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Liberty Municipal Library

Supporting Your Library

How to get involved!

Friends of the Library

Join the Friends of the Library (click for form)

Membership is open to individuals, families, students, and organizations interested in promoting the materials, services, and programs of the Liberty Library.

Membership dues are:

Individual  $5

Family  $15

Business  $25

Sponsor  $50

Patron  $100

Life Member  $1,000

Why should you join the Friends?

Friends of the Library is a non-profit volunteer group dedicated to encouraging participation and interest in the library through contributions and personal service.  The Friends work together to help provide financial assistance for much needed equipment and special programming for the library.  With assistance from the Friends, our children's programming continues to grow and flourish.

Meeting Time

The Friends of the Library meet on the second Monday of each month during the school year at 10 a.m.. 

The Friends Book and Bake Sale, held each March during the Liberty Jubilee, is their major fundraiser.  People come from miles away for the huge selection of quality books.

Books as Tribute

There are times when we wish to honor a person, an important event, or give a gift in memory of a relative or friend.  Books are long-lasting tributes to the person or events we wish to remember.  Memorials or honorariums may be made to the library, or the Friends of the Library.  If you would like to make such a gift, further information is available at the library.

The Library Foundation

Liberty Municipal Library Memorial Funds

The Liberty Municipal Library Trust Fund makes it possible for individuals, civic clubs, or businesses to make contributions to the library in memory or in honor of individuals.  Contributions are placed in the trust, invested by the trustee, and the yearly income is used to purchase books and materials to enhance the library.  All contributions to these funds are tax exempt under IRS Code Section 501(c)(3).

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